
Depressive symptoms in adolescence as predictors of early adulthood depressive disorders and maladjustment
- Tuulio-Henriksson, A
- Aalto-Setälä, T
- Marttunen, M
Depressive symptoms in adolescence as predictors of early adulthood depressive disorders and maladjustment
Publications: Am J Psychiatry. 2002 Jul;159(7):1235-7.
Evid Based Ment Health. 2003 May;6(2):60.
Authors: Aalto-Setala T, Marttunen M, Tuulio-Henriksson A, Poikolainen K, Lonnqvist J.
Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health Institute, Iirislahdenranta 30, FIN-02230 Espoo, Finland.
Objective: The authors examined the association between self-reported depressive symptoms in adolescence and mental well-being in early adulthood.
Method: A questionnaire assessing psychosocial well-being was given to a group of subjects (N=651) in their last 3 years of high school (mean age=16.8 years) and again when these subjects reached early adulthood (mean age=21.8 years). Diagnostic interview data were obtained from a subgroup of the young adults (N=245). Adolescents' depressive symptoms were analyzed in relation to their early adulthood mental health outcome data.
Results: Depressive symptoms in adolescence predicted early adulthood depressive disorders (major depression and dysthymia), comorbidity, psychosocial impairment, and problem drinking.
Conclusions: Depressive symptoms in adolescence deserve attention as a potential risk for early adulthood mental disorders.
information page
- Tuberkuloositapausten esiintyminen Suomessa koko väestössä 1975–2003/ Rokottajan käsikirja
- Hinkuyskän keskimääräinen vuotuinen esiintyvyys ja vaihteluväli Suomessa vuosina 1997–2003/ Rokottajan käsikirja
- Suomessa vuonna 2003 todettujen akuuttien hepatiitti B -tapausten ikä- ja sukupuolijakauma/ Rokottajan käsikirja
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