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(yhteiskunnalliset tapahtumat)
Health care contacts before and after attempted suicide among adolescent and young adult versus older suicide attempters

The pattern of all health care contacts among young people before and after attempted suicide is not well documented. Neither is it known if the health care contacts of young suicide attempters differ from those of older suicide attempters.

Level of suicidal intent predicts overall mortality and suicide after attempted suicide: a 12-year follow-up study

The aim of this study was to comprehensively examine clinical risk factors, including suicide intent and hopelessness, for suicide and risk of death from all causes after attempted suicide over a 12-year follow-up period.

Elderly suicide attempters with depression are often diagnosed only after the attempt

No previous study has comprehensively investigated the pattern of health care contacts among elderly subjects attempting suicide. The present study compared elderly suicide attempters with younger attempters, before and after attempted suicide, in terms..

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