
The mood disorder questionnaire improves recognition of bipolar disorder in psychiatric care
- Suominen, K
- Mantere, O
- Isometsä, E
The mood disorder questionnaire improves recognition of bipolar disorder in psychiatric care
Publication: BMC Psychiatry. 2003 Jul 10;3(1):8.
Authors: Isometsa E, Suominen K, Mantere O, Valtonen H, Leppamaki S, Pippingskold M, Arvilommi P.
Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland. erkki.isometsa@ktl.fi
Background: We investigated our translation of The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) as a screening instrument for bipolar disorder in a psychiatric setting in Finland.
Methods: In a pilot study for the Jorvi Bipolar Study (JoBS), 109 consecutive non-schizophrenic psychiatric out- and inpatients in Espoo, Finland, were screened for bipolar disorder using the Finnish translation of the MDQ, and 38 of them diagnostically interviewed with the SCID.
Results: Forty subjects (37%) were positive in the MDQ screen. In the SCID interview, twenty patients were found to suffer from bipolar disorder, of whom seven (70%) of ten patients with bipolar I but only two (20%) of ten with bipolar II disorder had been previously clinically correctly diagnosed. The translated MDQ was found internally consistent (alpha 0.79) and a feasible screening tool.
Conclusions: Bipolar disorder, particularly type II, remains commonly unrecognized in psychiatric settings. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire is a feasible screen for bipolar disorder, which could well be integrated into psychiatric routine practice.
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