Association of dietary amino acids with low mood
Diet may affect mood and cognitive functions. Tryptophan and serine augmentation strategies have been applied for patients with mood or psychotic disorders. We studied the association between dietary intake of amino acids and low mood.
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Vantaan terveyskeskuksen masennustutkimus
Vantaan terveyskeskuksen masennustutkimuksessa (PC-VDS) seulottiin vuoden 2002 aikana 1119 terveyskeskuspotilaasta 137 potilasta, joilla oli todettu masennus. Näiden masennuksesta kärsivien henkilöiden tilan seuraamista jatkettiin vuoden...
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Major depressive episode among young adults: CIDI-SF versus SCAN consensus diagnoses
We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a highly structured diagnostic interview in relation to a semi-structured diagnostic procedure. We compared the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview Short Form (CIDI-SF)...
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Life events, social support, and onset of major depressive episode in Finnish patients
We investigated differences in life events and social support between subgroups of depressed patients and the distribution of life events in phases preceding or during depression. In the Vantaa Depression Study, 269 psychiatric patients with DSM-IV...
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Mielialahäiriöiden yksikkö
Yksikössä tutkitaan vakavien mielialahäiriöiden riskitekijöitä, niiden syntyä, kliinistä kuvaa, kulkua ja ennustetta sekä niihin liittyvien itsetuhokäyttäytymisen ja toimintakyvyttömyyden...
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Suicidal ideation and attempts among psychiatric patients with major depressive disorder
Few studies have investigated risk factors for suicidal ideation and attempts, or possible variations in them, among representative samples of psychiatric patients with major depressive disorder.
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Psychiatric treatment seeking and psychosocial impairment among young adults with depression
One in 10 young adults suffered from depression with associated psychosocial impairment. Most depressive disorders were comorbid with other DSM-IV disorders, depression usually occurring secondary to other disorders.
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Major depressive episode and health care use among adolescents and young adults
The aim was to analyze how major depressive episode (MDE), chronic illness and their co-existence are associated with health care use in young people.
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Nuorten mielenterveys
Nuoruus on kehitysvaihe, jolloin useat aikuisuuden mielenterveyden häiriöt alkavat. Tämän ikäkauden aikana toteutetut seurantatutkimukset tarjoavat mahdollisuuden selvittää monien mielenterveyden häiriöiden...
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Depressive symptoms in adolescence as predictors of early adulthood depressive disorders and maladjustment
The authors examined the association between self-reported depressive symptoms in adolescence and mental well-being in early adulthood.
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information page
magazine article
- Masennus ei vaikuta pysyvästi persoonallisuuden piirteisiin
- Päätoimittajalta: Nuori tarvitsee vanhempiaan
- Humalahakuinen juominen lisää masennusta
organizational info
- Is low dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids associated with depression?
- Vantaa Depression Study
- Association of dietary amino acids with low mood