
A1 | Valma Harjutsalo
Familial Aggregation of Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy in Finland |
A2 | Ville Veckman
Activation Of Inflammatory Cytokine Response In Human Cells |
A3 | Hanna Valtonen
Suicidal Behaviour in Bipolar Disorder |
A4 | Raine Virtanen
Association Between Autonomic Regulation and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Middle-Aged Subjects |
A5 | Laura Ahtiainen
Unravelling Molecular and Cellular Disease Mechanisms in Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (INCL) |
A6 | Outi Mantere
Recognition, Comorbidity, and Outcome of DSM-IV Bipolar I and II Disorders in Psychiatric Care |
A7 | Kaisa Huotari
Surveillance of Surgical Site Infections Following Major Hip and Knee Surgery in Finland |
A8 | Nanna Sarkonen
Oral Actinomyces Species in Health and Disease: Identification, Occurrence and Importance of Early Colonization |
A9 | Reeta Rintamäki
Mood in association with dietary nutrient intakes and sleep length |
A10 | Sari Stenholm
Obesity as a risk factor for walking limitation in older finnish men and women |
A11 | Juho Akkanen
Inpatient Hospital Care and Its Costs Among Type 1 Diabetic Patients in Finland - a nationwide longitudinal study |
A12 | Joni A. Turunen
Search for Susceptibility Genes in Schizophrenia |
A13 | Emma Marschan
Immunological Effects of Probiotic Bacteria in Prevention and Treatment of Allergic Diseases in Children |
A14 | Anna Kiialainen
Pathogenic Mechanisms of Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia with Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL) |
A15 | Kaisla Joutsenniemi
Living arrangements and health |
A16 | Anne-Marie Kerttula
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Finland: recent changes in the epidemiology, long-term facility aspects, and phenotypic and molecular detection of isolates |
A17 | Tanja Ilmarinen
Functional and Cellular Analysis of Autoimmune Regulator (AIRE) Protein |
A18 | Kirsi Auro
Candidate gene studies on cardiovascular diseases |
A1 | Borodulin, Katja
Physical Activity, Fitness, Abdominal Obesity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Finnish Men and Women: The National FINRISK 2002 Study |
A2 | Savolainen-Kopra, Carita
Molecular epidemiology of human rhinoviruses |
A3 | Hakulinen, Pasi
Experimental Studies on Cellular Mechanisms of the Carcinogenicity of 3-Chloro-4-(Dichloromethyl)-5-Hydroxy-2(5H)-Furanone (MX) |
A4 | Luiro, Kaisu
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Behind Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (JNCL, Batten Disease) |
A5 | Kyttälä, Mira
Identification of the Meckel Syndrome Gene (MKS1) Exposes a Novel Ciliopathy |
A6 | Arajärvi, Ritva
Clinical Phenotype and Genetic Epidemiology of Schizophrenia in a Finnish Isolate |
A7 | Johansson, Marie
ORP1L, a new Rab7 effector and regulator of late endosome functions |
A8 | Leppämäki, Sami
The effect of exercise and light on mood |
A9 | Heikki Rytsälä
Functional and Work Disability and Treatment Received by Patients with Major Depressive Disorder |
A10 | Hanna Miettinen
The effects of TCDD on the development of teeth and cortical bone in rats: Implications for risk assesment |
A11 | Tarja Kaijalainen
The identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae |
A12 | Minna Jänis
The high- and low-activity forms of human plasma phospholipid |
A13 | Petteri Sokero
Suicidal ideation and attempts among psychiatric patients with major depressive disorder |
A14 | Terttu Tiirola
Effects of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection on inflammation and lipid parameters in humans and mice |
A15 | Pia Bäckström
Glutamatergic modulation of cue-induced drug-seeking behavior in the Rat |
A16 | Meri Paavola
Smoking from adolescence to adulthood – a 15-year follow-up of the North Karelia Youth Project |
A17 | Minna Tiittanen
Immune response to insulin and changes in the gut immune system in children with or at risk for type 1 diabetes |
A18 | Jaana Lindström
Prevention of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention – emphasis on dietary composition and identification of high-risk individuals. |
A19 | Timo Lanki
Fine particles in urban air: exposure and cardiovascular health effects |
A20 | Mikko Kuokkanen
Molecular Genetics of Lactase Deficiencies |
A21 | Jukka Jokinen
Joint Regression and Association Models for Repeated Categorical Responses |
A1 |
Pennanen, Arto
A2 |
Surakka, Jukka
A3 |
Sulander, Tommi
A4 |
Enattah, Nabil Sabri
A5 |
Patovirta, Riitta-Liisa
A6 |
Vallius, Marko
A7 |
Tuulio-Henriksson, Annamari
A8 |
Mentula, Silja
A9 |
Heinonen, Heikki
A10 |
Hänninen, Otto
A11 |
Korkalainen, Merja
A12 | |
A13 | Montonen, Jukka
Plant foods in the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus with emphasis on dietary fiber and antioxidant vitamins |
A14 |
Kiviranta, Hannu
A15 |
Wang, Jianjung
A16 |
Siggins, Sarah
A17 |
Erkkilä, Leena
Pulmonary infection and atherosclerosis in an experimental Chlamydia pneumoniae model |
A18 | Tammiruusu, Anne
CD8+ T cell response in experimental Chlamydia pneumoniae infection |
A19 | Kieseppä, Tuula
A Twin study on genetic and environmental factors in bipolar I disorder |
A20 | Mari Strengell
Role of IL-21 in regulation of leukocyte functions |
A21 | Ylisaukko-oja, Tero
Search for Susceptibility Genes in Autism Spectrum Disorders |
A22 | Hennah, William
Genetics of Schizophrenia: The 1q42 Locus in Finnish Families |
A23 | Eklund, Marjut
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) Findings from Humans in Finland |
A24 | Maijaliisa Erkkola
Diet in Early Life and Antibody Responses to Cow’s Milk and Type 1 Diabetes Associated Autoantigens |
A25 | Suviolahti, Elina
Search for Genetic Variants Conferring Susceptibility to Obesity and Related Metabolic Traits |
A26 | Jenny Ekholm
Molecular Genetics of Bipolar Disorder and Related Traits |
A27 | Hanna Tolonen
Towards the High Quality of Population Health Surveys: Standardization and Quality Control |
A28 | Niklas Pakkasjärvi
Investigations on molecular aspects of Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome |
A1 |
Saarela, Jani
A2 |
Holmberg, Ville
A3 |
Myllykangas, Tiia
A4 |
Kauppi, Maria
A5 |
Rotko, Tuulia
Social Aspects of Air Pollution (2.8 M) |
A6 |
Nokso-Koivisto, Johanna
Viral upper respiratory tract infections in young children (287 K) |
A7 |
Kattainen, Anna
Cardiovascular diseases and functional capacity (323 K) |
A8 |
Simanainen, Ulla
Dioxin resistance alleles and developmental stage at exposure as determinants of sensitivity to dioxin-induced short-term toxicity and male reproductive effects (388 K) |
A9 |
Rantakokko, Panu
A10 |
Kilkkinen, Annamari
Serum enterolactonene - determinants and associations with breast and prostate cancers (464 K) |
A11 |
Isosaari, Pirjo
A12 |
Kuusi, Markku
Investigating outbreaks of waterborne gastroenteritis: application of modern epidemiological and microbiological methods (1.2 M) |
A13 |
Toivola, Mika
Personal exposure to microbial bioaerosols (1 M) |
A14 |
Nurkka, Anu
Mucosal antibodies to capsular polysaccharides induced by polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines in infants (1.8 M) |
A15 |
Lehtonen, Anne
Expression and activation of STAT and IRF family transcription factors in mononuclear leukocytes (1.1 M) |
A16 |
Lilja, Heidi
Searching for genes predisposing to common dyslipidemias (1.2 M) |
A17 |
Blomqvist, Soile
Epidemiology of human rhinoviruses (591 K) |
A18 |
Niemi, Laura
Offspring of mothers with psychotic disorder: childhood development and adulthood psychiatric morbidity (305 K) |
A19 |
Vitikainen, Marika
PrsA lipoprotein and posttranslocational folding of secretory proteins in Bacillus subtilis (1.3 M) |
A20 |
Melartin, Tarja Comorbidity, outcome and treatment of DSM-IV major depressive disorder in psychiatric care (342 K) |
A1 |
Jussila, Juha J.
A2 |
Rintala, Helena
A3 |
A4 |
A5 |
Putkonen, Hanna
A6 |
Kiiskinen, Urpo
A7 |
Heino, Sanna
A8 |
Paloneva, Juha
A9 |
Jurvelin, Jouni A.
A10 |
Huttunen, Kati
A11 |
Blom, Titta S.
A12 |
A13 |
Murtoniemi, Timo
A14 |
Haarasilta, Linnea
A15 |
Puumalainen, Taneli
A16 |
Keinänen, Minna
A17 |
Simell, Birgit
A18 |
Lukinmaa, Susanna
A1 |
Jaari, Sonja
A2 |
Jallinoja, Piia
A3 |
Koistinen, Kimmo
A4 |
A5 |
Rautio, Merja
A6 |
Laaksonen, Mikko
A7 |
Nissinen, Tarja
A8 |
Hyvärinen, Anne
A9 |
A10 |
Haverinen, Ulla
A11 |
Härkönen, Taina
A12 |
A13 |
Meklin, Teija
A14 |
Haukkala, Ari
A15 |
von der Pahlen, Bettina
A16 |
Pirhonen, Jaana
A17 |
Kinnunen, Anne
A18 |
Absetz, Pilvikki
A19 |
Immonen, Johanna
A20 |
A21 |
Lehtola, Markku
A22 |
Aalto-Setälä, Terhi
A23 |
Auranen, Mari
A24 |
A25 |
Torkko, Pirjo
A26 |
Airenne, Sari
A27 |
Erlund, Iris
A28 |
Visapää, Ilona
A29 |
Roponen, Marjut
A30 |
- Suomessa vuonna 2003 todettujen akuuttien hepatiitti B -tapausten ikä- ja sukupuolijakauma/ Rokottajan käsikirja
- Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön antama D-vitamiinivalmisteiden käyttösuositus
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- Sepelvaltimotauti heikentää ikääntyvien toimintakykyä merkittävästi
- Väitöskirjauutisia, Kansanterveyslehti 5/2005
- Vauhdikas ja hidas voimaharjoittelu suoritusnopeuden vaikutus varttuneiden naisten luun tiheyteen
- Liikunnan, sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien riskitekijöiden ja terveyskunnon annosvastesuhteet vaihdevuosi-iän ohittaneilla naisilla