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Julkaistu 9.6.2006


Kansanterveyslaitoksen julkaisuja A
Publications of the National Public Health Institute A

jossa julkaistaan alkuperäistutkimuksia, lähinnä väitöskirjoja.

ISSN 0359-3584 (in print)

ISSN 1458-6290 (PDF)


A1 Sampo Sammalisto
Search for Genetic Variants Influencing Human height
A2 Riku Fagerlund
Nuclear Import Mechanisms of STAT and NF-κB Transcription
A3 Ulla Lignell
Characterization of Microorganisms in Indoor Environments
A4 Annika Siitonen
Molecular Genetics of RECQL4 Syndromes
A5 Kaisu Keskitalo
A Matter of Taste - Genetic and Environmental Influences on Responses to Sweetness
A6 Pekka Jylhä
Depression, Anxiety, Psychiatric Comorbidity and Dimensions of Temperament and Personality
A7 Jussi Naukkarinen
Molecular Background of Common Dyslipidemias
A8 Kati Kristiansson
Genetics of Cardiovascular Disease: A Candidate Gene Study of USF1
A9 Samuli Saarni
Health-Related Quality of Life and Mental Disorders in Finland
A10 Ville Helasoja
The Social Patterning of Health, Smoking and Drinking in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland in 1994-2004
A11 Emmi Sarvikivi
Healthcare-Associated Infections in Pediatrics
A12 Markku Varjosalo
The Mechanisms of Hedgehog Signal Transduction
A13 Mervi Alanne
Studies of the genetic epidemiology of cardiovascular disease: focus on inflammatory candidate genes
A14 Maria Vuorilehto
Depressive disorders in primary health care
A15 Satu Helakorpi
Impact of Tobacco Control Policy on Smoking and Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
A16 Teemu Niiranen
Home blood pressure measurement - epidemiology and clinical application
A17 Annina Lyly
Molecular interactions underlying neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses CLN1 and CLN5
A18 Siamak Bidel
Coffee and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
A19 Antti Knaapila
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Human Responses to Odors
A20 Susanna Apter
The Effect of Alcohol on Testosterone and Corticosterone Levels in Alcohol-Preferring and Non-Preferring Rat Lines
A21 Tuuli Lahti
Circadian Rhythm Disruptions and Health
A22 Hilkka Ylihärsilä
Early Growth and Adult Health: Focus on Blood Pressure, Glucose Tolerance Status and Body Composition



A1 Valma Harjutsalo
Familial Aggregation of Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy in Finland
A2 Ville Veckman
Activation Of Inflammatory Cytokine Response In Human Cells
A3 Hanna Valtonen
Suicidal Behaviour in Bipolar Disorder
A4 Raine Virtanen
Association Between Autonomic Regulation and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Middle-Aged Subjects
A5 Laura Ahtiainen
Unravelling Molecular and Cellular Disease Mechanisms in Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (INCL)
A6 Outi Mantere
Recognition, Comorbidity, and Outcome of DSM-IV Bipolar I and II Disorders in Psychiatric Care
A7 Kaisa Huotari
Surveillance of Surgical Site Infections Following Major Hip and Knee Surgery in Finland
A8 Nanna Sarkonen
Oral Actinomyces Species in Health and Disease: Identification, Occurrence and Importance of Early Colonization
A9 Reeta Rintamäki
Mood in association with dietary nutrient intakes and sleep length
A10 Sari Stenholm
Obesity as a risk factor for walking limitation in older finnish men and women
A11 Juho Akkanen
Inpatient Hospital Care and Its Costs Among Type 1 Diabetic Patients in Finland - a nationwide longitudinal study
A12 Joni A. Turunen
Search for Susceptibility Genes in Schizophrenia
A13 Emma Marschan
Immunological Effects of Probiotic Bacteria in Prevention and Treatment of Allergic Diseases in Children
A14 Anna Kiialainen
Pathogenic Mechanisms of Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia with Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL)
A15 Kaisla Joutsenniemi
Living arrangements and health
A16 Anne-Marie Kerttula
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Finland: recent changes in the epidemiology, long-term facility aspects, and phenotypic and molecular detection of isolates
A17 Tanja Ilmarinen
Functional and Cellular Analysis of Autoimmune Regulator (AIRE) Protein
A18 Kirsi Auro
Candidate gene studies on cardiovascular diseases


A1 Borodulin, Katja
Physical Activity, Fitness, Abdominal Obesity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Finnish Men and Women: The National FINRISK 2002 Study
A2 Savolainen-Kopra, Carita
Molecular epidemiology of human rhinoviruses
A3 Hakulinen, Pasi
Experimental Studies on Cellular Mechanisms of the Carcinogenicity of 3-Chloro-4-(Dichloromethyl)-5-Hydroxy-2(5H)-Furanone (MX)
A4 Luiro, Kaisu
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Behind Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (JNCL, Batten Disease)
A5 Kyttälä, Mira
Identification of the Meckel Syndrome Gene (MKS1) Exposes a Novel Ciliopathy
A6 Arajärvi, Ritva
Clinical Phenotype and Genetic Epidemiology of Schizophrenia in a Finnish Isolate
A7 Johansson, Marie
ORP1L, a new Rab7 effector and regulator of late endosome functions
A8 Leppämäki, Sami
The effect of exercise and light on mood
A9 Heikki Rytsälä
Functional and Work Disability and Treatment Received by Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
A10 Hanna Miettinen
The effects of TCDD on the development of teeth and cortical bone in rats: Implications for risk assesment
A11 Tarja Kaijalainen
The identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae
A12 Minna Jänis
The high- and low-activity forms of human plasma phospholipid
A13 Petteri Sokero
Suicidal ideation and attempts among psychiatric patients with major depressive disorder
A14 Terttu Tiirola
Effects of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection on inflammation and lipid parameters in humans and mice
A15 Pia Bäckström
Glutamatergic modulation of cue-induced drug-seeking behavior in the Rat
A16 Meri Paavola
Smoking from adolescence to adulthood – a 15-year follow-up of the North Karelia Youth Project
A17 Minna Tiittanen
Immune response to insulin and changes in the gut immune system in children with or at risk for type 1 diabetes
A18 Jaana Lindström
Prevention of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention – emphasis on dietary composition and identification of high-risk individuals.
A19 Timo Lanki
Fine particles in urban air: exposure and cardiovascular health effects
A20 Mikko Kuokkanen
Molecular Genetics of Lactase Deficiencies
A21 Jukka Jokinen
Joint Regression and Association Models for Repeated Categorical Responses



Pennanen, Arto
Indoor air pollution and health risks in Finnish ice arenas


Surakka, Jukka
Power-type strength training in middle-aged men and women (592 K)


Sulander, Tommi
Functional ability and health behaviours. Trends and associations among elderly people, 1985-2003 (342 K)


Enattah, Nabil Sabri
Molecular genetics of lactase persistence (578 K)


Patovirta, Riitta-Liisa
Teachers' health in moisture-damaged schools - a follow-up study (641 K)


Vallius, Marko
Characteristics and sources of fine particulate matter in urban air (1.7 M)


Tuulio-Henriksson, Annamari
Cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia: a familial and genetic approach (1.5 M)


Mentula, Silja
Analysis of canine small intestinal and fecal microbiota: Prevention of ampicillin-induced changes with oral β-lactamase (1.1 M)


Heinonen, Heikki
Quality of life and its determinants among allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients and the Finnish population (5.6 M)


Hänninen, Otto
Probabilistic modelling of PM2.5 exposures in the working age population of Helsinki metropolitan area (8.4 M)


Korkalainen, Merja
Structure and expression of principal proteins involved in dioxin signal transduction and potentially in dioxin sensitivity (458 K)


Toropainen, Maija
Assessment of natural and outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vaccine induced immunity against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B in an infant rat infection model (599 K)

A13 Montonen, Jukka
Plant foods in the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus with emphasis on dietary fiber and antioxidant vitamins

Kiviranta, Hannu
Exposure and human PCDD/F and PCB body burden in Finland


Wang, Jianjung
Assessment of the metabolic syndrome in predicting incident type 2 diabetes mellitus in a Chinese population


Siggins, Sarah
Plasma Phospholipid ransfer Protein (PLTP): quantitation, biosynthesis, and involvement in hepatic lipid homeostasis

A17 Erkkilä, Leena
Pulmonary infection and atherosclerosis in an experimental Chlamydia pneumoniae model
A18 Tammiruusu, Anne
CD8+ T cell response in experimental Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
A19 Kieseppä, Tuula
A Twin study on genetic and environmental factors in bipolar I disorder
A20 Mari Strengell
Role of IL-21 in regulation of leukocyte functions
A21 Ylisaukko-oja, Tero
Search for Susceptibility Genes in Autism Spectrum Disorders
A22 Hennah, William
Genetics of Schizophrenia: The 1q42 Locus in Finnish Families
A23 Eklund, Marjut
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) Findings from Humans in Finland
A24 Maijaliisa Erkkola
Diet in Early Life and Antibody Responses to Cow’s Milk and Type 1 Diabetes Associated Autoantigens
A25 Suviolahti, Elina
Search for Genetic Variants Conferring Susceptibility to Obesity and Related Metabolic Traits
A26 Jenny Ekholm
Molecular Genetics of Bipolar Disorder and Related Traits
A27 Hanna Tolonen
Towards the High Quality of Population Health Surveys: Standardization and Quality Control
A28 Niklas Pakkasjärvi
Investigations on molecular aspects of Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome



Saarela, Jani
Characterization of aspartylglucosaminidase activation and aspartylglucosaminuria mutations (2.7 M)


Holmberg, Ville
CLN5 - from mutation to defective protein and clinical phenotype (1.2 M)


Myllykangas, Tiia
Prevention of bromine-containing disinfection by-products during drinking water treatment.


Kauppi, Maria
Functional characterisation of Rab22a and Munc18b, two proteins regulating vesicle transport in mammalian cells (2.1 M)


Rotko, Tuulia
Social Aspects of Air Pollution (2.8 M)


Nokso-Koivisto, Johanna
Viral upper respiratory tract infections in young children (287 K)


Kattainen, Anna
Cardiovascular diseases and functional capacity (323 K)


Simanainen, Ulla
Dioxin resistance alleles and developmental stage at exposure as determinants of sensitivity to dioxin-induced short-term toxicity and male reproductive effects (388 K)


Rantakokko, Panu
Analytical methods for the determination of bromide ion and brominated disinfection byproducts from drinking water
(Kemialliset analyysimenetelmät bromidin ja bromattujen sivutuotteiden määrittämiseksi talousvedestä)


Kilkkinen, Annamari
Serum enterolactonene - determinants and associations with breast and prostate cancers (464 K)


Isosaari, Pirjo
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran contamination of sediments and photochemical decontamination of soils (Polyklooratuilla dibentso-p-dioksiineilla ja dibentsofuraaneilla pilaantuneet sedimentit sekä maaperän puhdistaminen valokemiallisesti) (532 K)


Kuusi, Markku
Investigating outbreaks of waterborne gastroenteritis: application of modern epidemiological and microbiological methods (1.2 M)


Toivola, Mika
Personal exposure to microbial bioaerosols (1 M)


Nurkka, Anu
Mucosal antibodies to capsular polysaccharides induced by polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines in infants (1.8 M)


Lehtonen, Anne
Expression and activation of STAT and IRF family transcription factors in mononuclear leukocytes (1.1 M)


Lilja, Heidi
Searching for genes predisposing to common dyslipidemias (1.2 M)


Blomqvist, Soile
Epidemiology of human rhinoviruses (591 K)


Niemi, Laura
Offspring of mothers with psychotic disorder: childhood development and adulthood psychiatric morbidity (305 K)


Vitikainen, Marika
PrsA lipoprotein and posttranslocational folding of secretory proteins in Bacillus subtilis (1.3 M)


Melartin, Tarja Comorbidity, outcome and treatment of DSM-IV major depressive disorder in psychiatric care (342 K)



Jussila, Juha J.
Inflammatory responses in mice after intratracheal instillation of microbes isolated from moldy buildings (638 K)


Rintala, Helena
Streptomycetes in indoor environments : PCR based detection and diversity (248 K)


Isosomppi, Juha Molecular and cell biology of infantile (CLN1) and late infantile (CLN5) neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis


Halonen, Maria
Monogenic Model for Autoimmune Diseases: Molecular Basis of Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy - Candidiasis - Ectodermal Dystrophy (APECED)


Putkonen, Hanna
Homicidal women in Finland 1982-1992 (326 K)


Kiiskinen, Urpo
A health production approach to the economic analysis of health promotion (1.2 M)


Heino, Sanna
Transport of newly synthesized sterols to extracellular acceptors.


Paloneva, Juha
Two genes behind PLOSL: molecular and pathological characteristics of the disease (1.5 M)


Jurvelin, Jouni A.
Personal exposures to volatile organic compounds and carbonyls: relationship to microenvironment concentrations and analysis of sources (482 K)


Huttunen, Kati
Inflammatory and cytotoxic potential of selected moldy house microbes in vitro


Blom, Titta S.
Characterisation of cellular defects in Niemann-Pick Type C Disease


Karila, Tuomo
Adverse effects of anabolic androgenic steroids on the cardiovascular, metabolic and reproductive systems of anabolic substance abusers


Murtoniemi, Timo
Microbial growth on plasterboard and spore-induced cytotoxicity and inflammatory responses in vitro (528 K)


Haarasilta, Linnea
Major depressive episode in adolescents and young adults - a nationwide epidemiological survey among 15-24-years-olds (482 K)


Puumalainen, Taneli
An eleven valent diphtheria and tetanus conjugated pneumococcal vaccine - immunogenicity and safety in Filipino infants. (1.5 M)


Keinänen, Minna
Microbial communities in drinking water systems analysed by lipid biomarkers. (533 K)


Simell, Birgit
Mucosal antibodies to protein and capsular polysaccharide antigens of Streptococcus Pneumoniae in children. Relation to pneumococcal carriage and acute otitis media (2.9 M)


Lukinmaa, Susanna
Salmonella Enterica, Listeria Monocytogens and Clostridium Perfringens : diversity of human isolates studied by phenotypic and molecular methods (900 K)



Jaari, Sonja
Proteins involved in high density lipoprotein metabolism - a special reference to apolipoprotein A-I, hepatic lipase and phospholipid transfer protein


Jallinoja, Piia
Genetics, negotiated ethics and the ambiquities of moral choices


Koistinen, Kimmo
Exposure of an urban adult populations to PM 2.5 (348 K)


Nyman, Juha
Does unemployment contribute to ill-being: results from a panel study among adult Finns, 1989/90 and 1997


Rautio, Merja
Indigenous intestinal microbiota and disease: different approaches to characterize the composition and products of the human microbiota (717 K)


Laaksonen, Mikko
Interrelationships among daily health behaviours: Towards health-related lifestyle


Nissinen, Tarja
The effect of ozonation on chemical quality on drinking water


Hyvärinen, Anne
Characterizing moisture damaged buildings - environmental and biological monitoring (588 K)


Meririnne, Esa
Rewarding properties of psychomotor stimulants and morphine: pharmacological modulation of their conditioning or sensitization in rats


Haverinen, Ulla
Modeling moisture damage observations and their association with health symptoms (7.6 M)


Härkönen, Taina
Cross-reactive immune responses between enteroviruses and islet cell autoantigens


Kankaanpää, Aino
The effects of psychostimulant drugs on brain dopaminergic and serotonergic neuronal systems: the role of 5-HT3 receptors


Meklin, Teija
Microbial exposure and health in schools - effects of moisture damage and renovation (351 K)


Haukkala, Ari
Depressive Symptoms and Hostility in Relation to Socioeconomic Status, Smoking Cessation, and Obesity


von der Pahlen, Bettina
The role of alcohol and steroid hormones in human aggression (450 K)


Pirhonen, Jaana
Regulation of virus-induced cytokine expression in human macrophages


Kinnunen, Anne
Chlamydial heat shock protein 60 and cell-mediated immunity in tubal factor infertility (651 K)


Absetz, Pilvikki
Determinants and psychological implications of breast cancer risk perceptions in the course of mammography screening (322 K)


Immonen, Johanna
Health effects of moisture and mold damaged school buildings: a three-year follow-up study in students


Salmenlinna, Saara
Molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Finland


Lehtola, Markku
Microbially available phosphorus in drinking water (312 K)


Aalto-Setälä, Terhi
Depressive disorders among young adults (2.7 M)


Auranen, Mari
Molecular genetics of autism spectrum disorders in the Finnish population


Heistaro, Sami
Trends and determinants of subjective health


Torkko, Pirjo
Fatty acid based identification and characterization of slowly growing environmental mycobacteria


Airenne, Sari
Immunopathogenetic mechanisms of Chlamydia pneumoniae in human monocytes in vitro


Erlund, Iris
Chemical analysis and pharmacokinetics of the flavonoids quercetin, hesperetin and naringenin in humans (308 K)


Visapää, Ilona
Molecular genetics of the GRACILE syndrome (609 K)


Roponen, Marjut
Nasal lavage in the evaluation of indoor air-related upper airway inflammation.


Laitinen, Saara
Family of human oxysterol binding protein homologues: ORP2 is a new regulator of cellular lipid metabolism

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