
HealthFinland is a channel to a wide selection of reliable health information produced by Finnish research and expert organizations, government institutions and health organizations.
Läs mera...Topic areas
Food and nutrition
diet and eating habits, foodstuffs, nutrients...
(hälsomotion), fitness and physical activity, sports...
Weight control
body mass index, fatness, overweight...
sexual health, sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases...
Family and children
alcohol, intoxicant problems, smoking...
chemical accidents, disasters, terrorism...
Epidemies and infectious diseases
bacteria, infectious diseases, vaccines...
Mental health and sleep
depression, mental disorders, sleep and sleep disorders...
Violence and crises
Conditions and symptoms
conditions, symptoms, treatment methods...
Accidents and first aid
accident prevention, accidental falls, wounds and injuries...
Finding help
care institutions, health centres, public health service...
air, residential environment, water...
Occupational health
koulutus, toimintakyky, työ...
Largest topics
Cross-language searches improved
20.10.2008The portal now defaults to searching over materials in any language. Most of the material is in Finnish. Searches can still be restricted to a specific language using the language selection facility above the search results.
Portaalin aineistoja päivitetty
18.9.2008Portaalin aineistoihin kuuluvat Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun raskaus- ja vauva-aiheiset artikkelit on nyt päivitetty.
Aineistot ovat vielä keskeneräisiä ja niitä kehitetään parhaillaan portaalin tuotantoversioon.
Portaalin tuotantoversio julkaistaan huhtikuussa 2009 osoitteessa tervesuomi.fi.
TerveSuomi-portaalin prototyyppi julkistettu
12.9.2008Kansaterveyslaitoksen johdolla kehitteillä olevan kansalaisen terveystietoportaalin TerveSuomi.fi prototyyppi on valmistunut osana Tekesin rahoittamaa kansallista FinnONTO-kehityshanketta 2003-2010.